Friday, August 17, 2012

mine to love

this song describes our life right now...
can't wait to have our sweet baby boy here to love!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


I have been encouraged by a few friends to keep writing on my blog, so here I am. It's nice to be back here!
I heard a message a few months ago at church when Josh Kimes from Hillsong NYC came and spoke, and something that he said really stood out to me. My mom is currently enduring curative chemotherapy to make sure that cancer doesn't come back after a successful but painful surgery, so when Josh said this it really resonated with me.
You might not understand why you are going through this situation, but you have to decide to fight and say that Jesus is enough for you. 
He is our Deliverer, our Healer. And we have to remember that even in the hardest times. My mom is the best at that, and such a strong testimony to that. I have so much love and respect for her! 

Love you mom! 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

hi, grandma!

I am going to England & Scotland with Alyssa & Grandma in November!
It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I am so thankful to have a fun, generous grandma who gives us these great life experiences. Not only that, but she is wise and encouraging, always knowing the right thing to say. And when I moved back to Canada, I wouldn't have been able to do it without her!
She is a huge blessing! [hi, grandma!] :)

[photo by davidmolnar photography]

Friday, July 8, 2011


living in a traffic/people/noise filled city, I have to take a few minutes each days and remember the peace of God and His grace. there is comfort in His presence, and He calms my spirit.
I just drove across Toronto in rush hour, slamming on my breaks every few seconds for another pedestrian to risk their life running across the road - or a biker riding through the skinny middle of the lanes. my patience wears thin in times like these, but I wouldn't trade being in the city for anything.

there's a lot to be thankful for in this life. [like not running over anyone today! :)]
there is so much beauty & potential here. [in the homeless man walking his dog in the park, giant smile on his face]
these people are God's people, and I need to learn His grace.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Wow, am i ever bad at this, eh? :) sorry to be a slacker - this month has been crazy & busy!

I have realized something about myself lately, due to my love of sad songs & sappy movies. I am a super sentimental girl. I treasure a lot of moments in my life and reflect on them daily. I miss so much of my past but love the future so much. I changed my life for the man I love, and would never change that - but I did leave behind so many people & things I love.

When I smell rain [or wet pavement as Ben calls it] I immediately get transported to the campus of North Greenville, walking to class in the rain. When I listen to the Fray I am driving down the highways of South Carolina in my mind, windows down and a warm breeze filling my little red Focus.

The day I moved to Canada, as I climbed into my car to drive away, mom handed me a tiny bottle of Bath & Body Works lotion [Rainkissed Leaves] - that was 3 years ago. That bottle of lotion still sits on my shelf in the bathroom, and every time I use it I remember waving to my mom as I drove away from her, on to the biggest adventure of my life. That smell gives me a hug from my mom when I need it. :)

I just love that God has blessed us with the ability to remember moments so vividly, He gives us the gift of nearness even if we are thousands of miles away.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

some of my favourite things.

these are some of my favourite parts of our tiny apartment in the city:

1. our precious zebra table & our big head/little body Christmas picture

2. our fridge collage of friends & family - always changing :)

3. our huge windowsills - they are in every room & have been put to use! this is the kitchen window. 
[please note the snow outside.]

4. our bathroom mirror - i love the little shelves! they are messy right now, don't judge.
[also i've been using the NetiPot. bonus points if you can find it in the picture!]

this is just a glimpse of our fun first place together. the other day, Ben turned to me and said [with a huge smile on his face] "we've been living together for almost a year now!" 
i thought it was a cute way to say it. :) 
i'll be better at blogging, promise. i need to be more disciplined in my life and this is something that can help with that!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

ramblings on February 17th

A membership to the gym was the best Valentine's Day gift Ben and I could've given to each other - we are having so much fun going together! We bike, lift weights, and walk/run on the treadmill... all while watching crazy people run around the track and stare at themselves in the mirror, and make crazy noises when they lift weights.

In other news: this is my beautiful sis-in-law Katie, and she's really good at taking pictures :) Check out our latest venture to the fields behind the Doner's house to play with the horses here!

[ps - my current on repeat song is "if it's the beaches" by the avett brothers]